Ebook Preview! -The 7  Blindspots that are sabotaging your life and leadership

The 7  Blindspots that are sabotaging your life and leadership

What you don’t know CAN hurt you. I know this from experience…

Several years ago, I found myself frustrated, on the verge of depression and absolutely stuck in my calling as a pastor and leader. I was striving to get the traction and impact I knew I was capable of, but just couldn't break through.   I was stressed, anxious, and I dreaded Monday mornings. My teams were plateaued in their results; we were treading water.  My influence with my people wasn’t where it could be. I felt like I was just keeping up with the demands on me while longing for so much more impact and service in the world. As such, I felt I wasn't getting the trust or empowerment I needed from my leaders, my personal life was struggling and the worst part is… I had done everything I knew to do and it wasn’t getting better. The best metaphor I’ve landed on for a season like this is “spinning my wheels." 

Have you ever seen a vehicle stuck in the mud or in the sand? The driver pushes the gas, the engine revs,  the wheels spin and .. nothing. The vehicle goes nowhere. In fact, it gets even more stuck. Ever been there? Ever hit a plateau in life where everything you know to do isn’t getting you where you want to go?

I’ve been there. We all get there at different points in our journey. Maybe you're there right now. These are the growth moments of life where we shrink into defeat or we humble ourselves, seek out wisdom, learn and grow to the next level.  That's why I'm writing this. You may not be as stuck as I was in that season but perhaps you're just not seeing the results you’d like from the efforts you are giving; that's even more common. If you resonate with any of what I’ve just shared and you are tired of where you are,  I want to give you some of the key lessons I had to learn to break through that place, get unstuck, gain traction, and progress to the next level of my life and leadership. 

The surprising thing I learned is that these tools are not a “one and done” type of thing. These lessons are a repeatable process to keep your life and leadership in a perpetual cycle of growth and achievement. These lessons have become foundational in my work with Rising Leadership and I pray these insights will give you fresh hope that things can improve and give you  inspiration to start afresh pursuing your life of high calling and purpose.

The war against your purpose